Formula B2 COURSEBOOK + Exam Files

Formula B2 Exam Trainer (breve)

Formula B2/C1

Scuola Secondaria di Secondo Grado – Teenagers and young adult learners preparing for Cambridge Exams and Cambridge Exams for Schools

AUTORE Sheila Dignen & Lindsay Warwick / Jacky Newbrook


The flexible Formula for exam success

Formula is the flexible, unique and enjoyable route to Cambridge exam success. Using Pearson’s trusted exam know-how, Formula takes a fresh approach to topics, units and components to create an effective exam-focused package whatever the teaching and learning scenario.

Available in both print and digital formats, and used alongside a range of digital resources, Formula enables teachers to deliver dynamic print to fully digital courses of different lengths and addressing a range of student needs.

Two alternative starting points for different course lengths

Formula offers two core components – a Coursebook and an Exam Trainer, that can be used separately or to complement each other, depending on how intensive the exam course is, how long the course is, as well as the language and skills students need to develop.

The most flexible course for Cambridge Exams

Formula offers different teaching and learning paths to create a perfect fit for a range of scenarios – for short and long exam courses, for intensive to extensive exam preparation goals, from face-to face learning to fully online teaching and learning contexts.

Using Formula’s Building Blocks, teachers can configure their course in such a way that it fits the specific needs of their exam students.

  1. Building Block 1: Component(s) 
    Choose the most suitable component or combination of components for your course length. Choose between Exam Trainer, Coursebook or both.
  2. Building Block 2: Sections in class 
    Choose the most suitable sections to use in class, from your Coursebook, Exam Trainer, or both.
  3. Building Block 3: Sections for homework 
    Choose the most suitable sections to use for homework, from your Coursebook, Exam Trainer, or both.
  4. Building Block 4: Digital resources 
    Choose the most suitable digital resources for the specific needs of your class.

Achieving exam success

Formula enables students to achieve their core aim of passing the relevant Cambridge exam at their desired grade.

Formula’s syllabus is based on the exam requirements and created by a team of authors and exam consultants to ensure comprehensive, authentic and rigorous exam preparation and practice. Formula is designed for classes where most students are preparing for the Cambridge exams – it is suitable for those at level or those looking to improve their level.

Keeping students engaged

Formula takes a fresh, unique approach to organising topics. Each level of the Coursebook is organised around a general theme – senses, colours, numbers. This theme becomes the prism through which a number of different topics are covered from different angles, ensuring the material remains fresh, giving a sense of momentum and maintaining everyone’s interest throughout the course as well as giving a more authentic exam experience.